




The Earth is an important partner for people

Celebrate Our Planet Earth

The purpose of a geopark is to explore, develop and celebrate the links between that geological heritage and all other aspects of the area’s natural, cultural and intangible heritage. It is about reconnecting human society at all levels to the planet we all call home and celebrate how our planet and it’s 4600 million year long history has shaped every aspect of our lives and our societies.





Protect the evidence of our geological heritage

The Geopark values all geological heritage such as fossils, minerals, strata and landscapes in the world. Losing the geological heritage, which records our past and future, we will lose our future. UNESCO Global Geoparks actively discourage unsustainable sale or trade in geological material as a whole, including the sale of minerals and fossils.





  • 地球遺産の証拠を守りましょう。化石、岩石、鉱物を持ち出したり、収集したりしないこと。自然遺産を破壊したり、改変したりする行為は、法律で禁止されています。
  • Protect the evidence of our geological heritage. Do not take or collect fossils, rocks or minerals. Any activity which destroys or alters the natural heritage is not permitted by law.


  • 環境、動植物を守りましょう。この地域には絶滅危惧種や保護種が生息しています。
  • Protect the environment, plants and animals. Endangered and protected species live in the region.

最後に本ページの担当課    生活環境部 自然共生社会局 山陰海岸ジオパーク海と大地の自然館
   住所  〒681-0001
  電話  0857-73-14450857-73-1445    
   ファクシミリ  0857-73-1446
  電話  0857-72-89870857-72-8987    
   ファクシミリ  0857-72-8986
    E-mail  sanin-geopark@pref.tottori.lg.jp

Copyright(C) 2006~ 鳥取県(Tottori Prefectural Government) All Rights Reserved. 法人番号 7000020310000